5 Ways to Be a More Eco-Friendly Dog Owner

Concentrated young black woman working remotely on netbook while sitting in room at table and drinking coffee while petting dog

You eat clean, you drive less, you recycle more, and you always bring your reusable bags to the grocery store. But have you ever considered how you can be a more eco-friendly dog owner? Here are five easy steps you can take to green your pet’s routine.

Buy Less Toys

Like many dog owners, you’ve probably noticed that your pup has accumulated way more toys than he actually needs over the years (mine definitely has). Sort through Fido’s stash and toss anything that’s too dirty and torn to keep then give the extra toys to a shelter or animal rescue. Keep a small box full of your dog’s favorite playthings where you can see them and try to either not buy more or employ the one-in-one-out rule if you do bring another toy home (get rid of an old toy when you purchase a new one).

Use Eco-Friendly Bags

Gone are the days of using plastic bags to pick up your dog’s daily deposits. More and more companies are jumping on the green band wagon and making eco-friendly bags that won’t sit in landfills for years to come. So switch out the usual plastic bags for eco-friendly versions to keep your dog and the earth happy.

Buy Eco-Friendly Pet Accessories

Balls, ropes, beds, collars, leashes, food and water bowls…pretty much every pet accessory out there has an eco-friendly alternative now. Instead of picking up the first leash you see at your local pet store, do some research and find out if a company makes eco-friendly leashes (the answer is most likely yes). Also remember that you don’t need to switch all your dogs’ things over to eco brands right away. Wait until Fido actually needs a new collar or bed, research, and then purchase an eco-friendly alternative.

Walk, Walk, Walk

Craving a latte or juicy burger? Instead of driving to the coffee shop or sports bar, look up a dog-friendly local business and take your pooch with you for a fun outing. Walking helps the ozone and gives you and Fido a chance to both stretch your legs.

Make Treats

Most commercial dog treats come in bulky boxes that go straight to the trash or recyclable, so try whipping up a batch of homemade dog treats instead. A variety of different recipes are available on the web, including easy ones for owners who typically avoid the kitchen. You could also seek out a local dog bakery if you don’t have time to bake.

Being a more eco-friendly dog owner doesn’t have to be a difficult process. Just follow these steps and you and your dog will soon be living the green life!

About the Author

Jessica Roberts is a freelance writer who offers blogging services for the pet industry. She works closely with businesses to provide engrossing and informative content that boosts Google visibility and social media ratings. When she isn’t writing, she’s walking her Border Collie/Aussie mix, Socks, and making a mess in the kitchen. For more of her services, visit her website, www.jessicarobertsonline.com or tweet her @phxazwriter

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